A book about tarot can help you get to know the cards and yourself better.
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A book about tarot can help you get to know the cards and yourself better.
Initially, when you’re learning the cards’ meanings and practicing creating spreads, it’s a good idea to get a professional reading. A professional tarot reader offers you an outside perspective—plus you can watch how it’s done and maybe pick up some tips. Even people who read tarot cards for a living often like to see another tarot reader just to get another POV!
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A common tarot spread is the past/present/future spread, in which three cards are drawn to represent, well, the past, present, and future. Many other spreads are variations on this basic format, with additional cards shedding further light on your situation. For spreads like this, consider what actions got you where you are now, what in your past might be the root cause that’s fueling your situation now, and what steps you’ll need to take next. Finally, consider what follow-ups or further thoughts you might have once you know the answer to your main question.
If there’s something specific you want to know, please ask! But sometimes, you don’t know what it is you’re looking for and you just want to see what the cards will reveal. If this is the case, tell your reader a little bit about your own background (like your relationship status, job, home, and any burning issues going on) and say you’d like to be inspired or informed about your life right now.
A lot of people like to start their day with a morning tarot card pull. You draw a single card each morning, think about its themes and maybe journal about them, and then notice how they show up in your day ahead. This is a great way to get to know the cards better and to make your day feel a little more ~magical~.
In general, open-ended questions can lead to more insight. Instead of “Are me and my partner going to break up?” you might want to ask, “What should I work on in my relationship?” or “What should I consider when thinking about the future of my relationship?” That’s not to say that you should never ask a close-ended question, but open-ended ones leave more room for more info.
A Tarot Book
To talk about what you actually do with that deck of cards, here’s the gist: Each tarot card has associated keywords and meanings. In a tarot reading, you ask a question—even if it’s something as simple as “What should I know today?”—shuffle, and draw the cards. Then, whether it’s a single card or a dozen cards in a complicated tarot spread, either you or your tarot reader will interpret the symbols and archetypes of the tarot cards that you pull. For example, if you ask, “Should I quit my job?” and you draw the Death tarot card, which represents endings and new beginnings, you might take that as an encouragement to get your job search on.